Welcome to the PetitGrandMonde (LittleBigWorld)
If you have arrived on this page, you have probably found "FLOW".
This medallion belongs to you now. I offer it to you.
You are free to take it with you to decorate your home, you are free to leave it again in a place you like so that it can go on new mysterious adventures...
Through the journey of this medallion, the idea is to share my artistic work :
I have developed a contemporary geometric writing, a coded and graphic language, which mixes simple forms. By applying a singular method, I can retranscribe any word, any sentence in drawing.
And then, I explore my concept through different media, which lead me to the object, mysterious and contemplative, simply poetic, covered with mysterious symbols : tetraglyphs
... and you hold in your hands a medallion with a tetraglyph. On this one, I wrote FLOW, in direct relation with the Optimal Experience.
In return for this little gift, I simply ask you to show your support on my social networks by leaving me a message, by sending me a small photo, or by subscribing....
Thank you!
Please do not leave the waste associated with this art experience in the nature